Twitter users know there's no better way to keep up with events as
they happen than to have them show up right in your Twitter feed.
Keeping up with Amarboi's new books is no exception. We post to Twitter
whenever a new book goes live. If you want a quick and easy way to keep up
with the latest, follow the @AmarBoi account to get in on the action.
This is First Time Follow Our Admin of Amarboi
- Riton Khan: @ritonkhan
Not a Twitter Person?
Not so much with the Twitter? No problem! We've got ways for you to keep up with us on other social networks, too.- Facebook more your thing? Like the Amarboi Facebook page to get our top books in your feed.
- Google+ fan? Add the Amarboi Google+ page to your circles to get our top stories in your feed.
Rather Just Visit Us?
Not on board with the social networking? No problem. If you'd rather visit us here for your Amarboi needs, that's great, too! In fact, we have some other easy ways for you to keep up.- You can add our RSS feed to your favorite newsreader.
- Chrome users can install the Amarboi notifier extension, which notifies you when a new post goes live.